Reduce Expenses
Virtual Mailroom
Support Distributed and Hybrid Teams
Mail Processing Automation
Integrate Mail Processing with Line of Business Apps
Records Conversion and Digitization
Reduce Risk
Current or Backfile Conversion
Paper, Large Format, Microfilm, Microfiche
Classification and Organization
Content Services

Collaborate without boundaries

Request documents from team members easily and manage content centrally
Securely ⮑share files and folders, sync content ▚ across your devices, and stay on top of changes with file versioning, ↗︎enhance productivity and fostere smoother collaboration across teams.

Work more efficiently with CFS Collaboration Feature

Secure File and Folder Sharing
Effective collaboration starts with secure, streamlined file sharing. Cirrus File Server offers Secure File and Folder Sharing capabilities that enable teams to share documents and folders with ease, without compromising on security. With customizable access permissions, you can control who can view, edit, or download each file, ensuring that sensitive information stays protected. Whether sharing internally with team members or externally with clients, CFS provides a secure environment for exchanging documents
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Document Request Lists
Efficient collaboration often requires the ability to gather essential documents from both internal and external stakeholders quickly and securely. Cirrus File Server’s Document Request Lists streamline this process, enabling users to create tailored document requests with specific instructions, due dates, and document type requirements. Recipients can easily upload the requested files directly into the CFS platform, ensuring all necessary documents are organized and accessible in one secure location. This feature eliminates the need for multiple email follow-ups and keeps everyone on track, making document collection simple and efficient
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File Versioning
When working collaboratively on documents, it's crucial to keep track of all changes and maintain access to previous versions. Cirrus File Server’s File Versioning feature ensures that every edit is recorded, with a new version created each time a document is updated. This allows users to view the complete history of changes, compare versions, and revert to previous iterations if needed. By automatically saving each version, CFS safeguards your work against accidental overwrites and enhances collaboration by providing full transparency into document evolution
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Folder Sync
Efficient collaboration requires that teams have real-time access to the most up-to-date files, especially when working on shared projects or frequently updated documents. Cirrus File Server’s Folder Sync feature ensures that changes made to files in designated folders are automatically synchronized, providing a seamless experience for users on compatible platforms. This enables teams to access, edit, and share synchronized files within their designated work environment, keeping everyone aligned without the need for manual updates or file transfers
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Manage logistics, shipping records, and inventory documentation digitally, ensuring smooth operations and reducing manual processing time
CFS is designed to streamline content management across all areas of your organization, empowering teams to work more efficiently and securely
Streamline document control for production plans, safety manuals, and compliance certifications, ensuring teams can access updated materials in real time
Store and organize candidate resumes, onboarding documents, and employee records securely to ensure fast access and smooth recruitment workflows
Secure sensitive legal documents, such as IP filings and contracts, while automating workflows for compliance and M&A processes
Manage product specs, blueprints, and R&D documents in a centralized, secure environment to streamline project collaboration and innovation cycles
Automate the management of sales proposals and contracts, enabling a mobile sales force to close deals faster and streamline approval processes
Digitize and automate fiscal planning, budgeting, and contract management to improve efficiency and drive financial growth
Centralize campaign assets and media files for easier collaboration with agencies and faster content delivery to market
Get started with CFS today
If you have any questions about Cirrus File Server or just need more info, we are here to help
We’ll schedule a time to present you a custom demo of Cirrus File Server at your convenience.
Begin your free 14-day cloud trial to being improving your document workflows today.